During the most recent Scottsboro Board of Education meeting, several items were approved. Personnel items approved include the resignation of Alicia Treece as CNP Worker; and Special Education teacher Macey Machen. Transfers included Kelly Brown, from Instructional Assistant at Nelson to CNP Worker at Caldwell; and Stephanie Doss from Preschool…READ_MORE
To end the year, I sat down with City of Scottsboro Mayor Jim McCamy to get an update on where we are and where we are going. McCamy began by stating that the City of Scottsboro has had a very good year with a lot more coming in the future.…READ_MORE
During the recent Scottsboro City Council joint meeting and work session the public hearing to amend the zoning ordinance at RaceTrac was rescheduled to the January 13, 2025 City Council meeting. The city council voted to approve a resolution to approve the application for authority to incorporate a public corporation…READ_MORE
CASA of Jackson County was established in Scottsboro in September of 1979 by Interface Mission Service, TARCOG and one of its first volunteers, Beverly Waldrop.