During the recent Scottsboro City Council work session, Hannah Crawford spoke regarding a Main Street design that had been submitted prior to her employment as the Main Street Executive Director.
In celebration of Alabama’s “Don’t Drop it on Alabama”, Spring Clean-up month, City of Scottsboro officials and Caldwell’s Leadership Legends have partnered with PALS (People Against a Littered State) and are hosting a community clean up day. The community clean up day will be held on Saturday, April 27.
Scottsboro City Schools is accepting bids to upgrade Trammell Stadium’s scoreboard.
Best Spring Fishing Techniques
by Mike Gerry
There is no doubt that spring is an exciting time of year for bass fishing.
Keep the Conversation Going
by Teresia Smith
Every year as we close out Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I find myself wondering if we’ve succeeded in reaching more people and given them knowledge and information to make a difference. It is very important to know how to react when someone confides in you that they have been assaulted. And it is very important that you know your community resources so you can help them reach out. Beyond that, there is another thing that is very important — continue the conversation.