Mrs. Veronica Ann Bradford, 69 of Pisgah passed away Sunday, June 28, 2020.
Ms. Sarah Reed Anderson, 66 of Fyffe passed away Saturday, June 27, 2020.
Known to the locals as Patrick from the Meat Market, 38 year old Patrick Woosley was born and raised in Scottsboro to Ms. Rita Woosley and the late Mr. Bobby Woosley.
Chief Tommie J. Reese, Sr., Law Enforcement Coordinator for the Office of the Alabama Attorney General (pictured at left with Dawe), made the trip from Montgomery to Scottsboro to award a certificate of recognition to Scottsboro’s former Police Chief, Ralph Dawe.
Children navigating the legal system and procedures need someone to speak on their behalf, hold their hand throughout the proceedings and provide comfort, reassurance, protection and advocacy during the entire process.