Notice of Records Destruction: You are hereby notified that the Jackson County Department of Education, in accordance with Alabama state guidelines, will destroy all special education records of former students born January 1 through December 31, 1993. These records are no longer needed for educational purposes. All unclaimed records will be destroyed after April 12, 2021.
by Martha Smith
On Friday, March 12, 2021, Senator Steve Livingston presented a resolution in recognition of Highlands Medical Center and its staff for their service during the ongoing pandemic.
Mud lines
by Mike Gerry
If I have learned anything about North Alabama in the winter, I have learned that, in the winter, we get a lot of rain and the run-off causes the lake to get muddy. Also, the water over-runs many docks and puts the TVA in a position where they spill, most of the winter, from one dam to another creating mud lines all over the lake!
Are You an Emotional Stuffer?
by Teresia Smith
Emotions are a part of being human, but learning how to effectively handle strong feelings is challenging. How many times have you received the following poor advice when you are hurting? “Don’t cry over it.” “Don’t let them get to you.” “Just get over it and move on.”
Jesus Is the Son of God Part: Two (Matt 27:50-54)
by Terry Broome
In our last writing we began with the assertion that Jesus is the Son of God.