If you walk into the Jackson County Legislative Delegation office, (located on 100 East Peachtree Street in downtown Scottsboro), you’re likely to speak to the first person you see, and that is Juliana Harper, the Executive Director of the Jackson County Legislative Office.
Crisis Services of North Alabama (CSNA), a 501(c)3 non-profit, has been serving Jackson County’s most vulnerable with two sides: the sexual assault side, run by Teresia Smith, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and the domestic violence side, run by Christina Hays, Domestic Violence Services Coordinator/Special Assessment Intervention Liaison (S.A.I.L.) Specialist and Rebecca Hieronymi, Domestic Violence Victim Services Coordinator.
Where to fish next
by Terry Broome
Location, location, location, just like anything else, where you fish has much to do about catching fish as it is a proven fact that 80% of the fish live in 10% of the lake. When you are fishing a big lake, where you go next is your most important decision each day.
Keeping Aware during Sexual Assault Awareness Month
by Christina Hays
Crisis Services of North Alabama and the Jackson County Coalition Against Domestic violence promote Sexual Assault Awareness Month every April.
I Serve A Risen Savior
by Terry Broome
It’s difficult to imagine what must have gone on in the mind of Jesus, the Son of God as he hung on Calvary’s tree. He had the power of choice and was all-powerful so that He could have stopped it all. Thousands of angels could have set Him free. He was totally capable of getting off that cross, but He did not because He knew He was on a mission from God to save the world from their sins and bring freedom to men and women cursed by the Fall.