Jackson Co. Commission – Sub Bus Driver
Frog mats
by Mike Gerry
Not all grass areas are created equal. When you have miles of great-looking grass that all looks good, something must stand out so you can make a choice; where do you fish, and what makes one clump of grass look better than others? These are the questions you must answer every time you get on the water and start looking for that frog bite.
Have a Conversation about Domestic Violence
by Rebecca Hieonymi
Domestic Violence is everywhere, affecting millions of people across the United States. Through action and education, we can end this epidemic. One way to do your part is to simply start a conversation with your loved ones about domestic violence. Here are 10 tips for having an informed conversation about domestic violence.
Victorious Christian Living
by Terry Broome
Preparation for heaven is merely begun, not completed with baptism. No one is baptized into heaven, but into Christ, into a new life, a new relationship. Living the new life in Christ indeed begins with the new birth, putting on Christ in baptism (Galatians 3:26-27) but it does not end with this conversion experience.
Fannie Christine Young, 78 of Woodville passed away on Wednesday, July 14, 2021.