The Scottsboro City Council held a work session on Monday, April 3, 2023.
Save the date for 22nd Annual Catfish Festival on Saturday, May 20th at Jackson County Park in Scottsboro, Alabama.
Cold water baits
Cold water can be your friend or your enemy as bait selection can be key to having success during the cold spells. Baits I have been using for many years, and God willing for many more, have had success, but things change, and sometimes you must adjust.
Supporting survivors
Have you ever felt that it’s hard to really know what to say or do whenever someone you care about is hurting? Many people will tell you that after a death of a loved one they are quickly inundated with people wanting to help, but within days, those that offered comfort have faded away.
On things we need to pray for
We all recognize the need to pray to God, and to pray often. I hear some marvelous expressions of love for God and concern for our fellow man at our times of prayer in the worship hour and in special meetings.