At the last Scottsboro City Council meeting held on Monday, August 8, 2022, several items on the agenda were approved as follows:
• Two resolutions to surplus and sell Street Department truck for $40,500 to Harbin Ford with that surplus going into the Scottsboro Vehicle Management Program.
• The budget amendment of $150,450 for a dump truck for Street Department to come out of excess sales tax.
• The budget amendment in the amount of $10,041.06 from excess sales tax to repair the air conditioner in a dozer for the Solid Waste Department.
• The budget amendment in the amount of $14,451.03 from excess sales tax to repair the torque converter on the compactor for the Solid Waste Department.
• The Scottsboro Pickleball Complex for no more than $400,000 with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. This was taken by a roll call vote, with Councilmember Ralph Dawe voting no. Dawe stated that while he was not against the complex in any way, he felt there were more pressing needs facing the city just before the budget hearings, and he wanted to see about getting city employees a raise, figuring out how to pay for two traffic signals that will be going in at the new development, the state of the city’s roads and the state of the pre-existing recreational facilities already in place that are not being properly maintained. Dawe also stated the city insurance has gone up 14%, which is another budget concern that takes priority.
• The allocation of ARPA funds to Water, Sewer and Gas project from Crawford Road to Sequatchie Concrete to allow for a 16-inch water main.
• Lee Benson was present once again to check in with the mayor and do a follow up on the grievances he brought forth at the last three Council meetings. You can view all the Scottsboro City Council meetings on their Youtube page.