The Scottsboro City Council voted on several items on the agenda at the last meeting held on Monday, March 14, 2022. The infield finisher requested by Parks and Recreation Director Donnie Wood was approved in the amount of $24,846.67 to be funded by excess sales tax. The new finisher is replacing a ten-year old model that is in disrepair often and will cut down on time spent finishing an infield.
The $18,910 budget amendment requested by Fire Chief Gene Necklaus was approved. The amendment will allow the Fire Department to hire two new qualified candidates who can be finished with their certifications by the time two current SFD employees retire. These funds will come out of excess sales tax.
The two requests made by Solid Waste Director Stacy Ledwell were tabled until further consideration comes into the matter. The first item was the purchase of a small side-arm garbage truck in the amount of $236,911.75. The second item would have been hiring two new employees, one for the landfill and one for collections. Councilmember Mike Ashburn stated he would like to wait as gas prices have risen so drastically, the city will likely be an estimated $100,000 over budget for their gas expenditures by the end of this year, and he felt making a large purchase or hiring new employees would best be put off until a later time.
Two appointments were made for the Tree Commission. Ron Layton and Gene Greer were reappointed, leaving one vacancy to be filled. If anyone has any interest in filling this vacancy, they should notify the City Clerk, Whitney Phillips.
by Martha Smith