According to a press release from the Jackson County Commission today, “The four District Commissioners of the Jackson County Commission have been advised that an investigation is underway by the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency involving an allegation of
inappropriate surveillance of a Jackson County Employee at the Jackson County Courthouse. The Commissioners take this allegation very seriously and are providing full cooperation with the investigation.
As part of the Courthouse Security Plan, after several serious incidents at the Courthouse involving firearms, a number of surveillance cameras and sound systems were installed in public locations and common areas at the Courthouse. The camera at the secured entrance to the Courthouse proved invaluable in determining the sequence of events that led to a Sheriff’s Deputy having to use his firearm to defend himself against an aggressive armed patron.
Neither these Commissioners nor the Courthouse Security Committee were aware of the placement of the particular camera involved in the present investigation. The Commissioners first became aware of the location of this camera on Tuesday, December 15 and took steps the same day to have the device removed. Until the investigation is complete, the Commissioners will have no comment on whether or not the installation of this camera was warranted for legitimate security purposes.”
On December 18, Jackson County Commission Vice Chairman Jason Venable called a special meeting to be held Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. in the Jackson County Commission board room. The only item on agenda for discussion is “accepting a resignation and related administrative matters.”