City recognizes Scottsboro Girls Basketball

Last week Scottsboro City Council members recognized the Scottsboro High School Varsity Girls basketball team. The team recently won the AHSAA 5A State Tournament. The team is the first in the history of varsity girls basketball at Scottsboro High School to win the state title.
Scottsboro Solid Waste Director Stacy Ledwell requested a budget amendment for a replacement door at a city storage building. Ledwell explained both replacement and repair options. Ledwell’s recommendation was to replace the door as well as to look at the building further, as it is in need of repair.

Ledwell and the council discussed a pay scale change for the scale house operator at the Scottsboro Landfill. Ledwell explained that the change has been discussed in the past during budget hearings.

Scottsboro Fire Department Chief Jon Lee requested a budget amendment in the amount of $37,332 for the purchase of a Toyota Tacoma. Lee explained the vehicle would be used by newly hired Fire Inspector Kyle Morris.

City Engineer Josh Little spoke to the council regarding the striping of streets throughout the city. Little explained that residents have reported not being able to see the striping on Goose Pond Drive, Byron Road, Old Larkinsville Road, July Mountain Blvd., Heroes Drive, Woods Cove Road and Cecil Street. These streets have all been added to his list for recommended street striping.

Little spoke regarding three paving areas throughout the City. These included areas near Caldwell Elementary School, the entrance of Goose Pond Island Drive and Dover Street. Little requested that a three percent contingency be added to these items if approved. Councilman Ralph Dawe suggested that the paving committee look into paving County Park road near Piggly Wiggly through Taco Bell. Roadwork began on this portion of roadway later in the week.

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