Scottsboro Fire Department launches Community Connect

Scottsboro Fire Department recently launched Community Connect. Fire Chief Jon Lee announced the program with the following message: “Welcome to Scottsboro Fire Department Community Connect. We are continually exploring avenues to better serve the citizens of Scottsboro. We are currently implementing a program called Community Connect. This program is a free, secure and user-friendly platform that allows residents to share information about their residence and/or business property that will aid first responders during an emergency. Information can be contributed by residents and business owners. With your participation in this program, we can ensure you and your property will be protected to the best of our ability.

Our mission is to provide professional, quality public service by preserving the lives, property and environment of the community through education, prevention, and protection; honoring the traditions of the fire service and training for the continually advancing dynamics of emergency services.”

The service works by users creating a free account and signing in. Upon creation of your account, users will then enter valuable information that can help first responders assist you and your family more effectively during an emergency.

The service also allows users to make changes to information, such as household information, pet information, and family member information. For more information on signing up, see the flyer on page 3 of this edition of The Clarion, or visit Scottsboro Fire Department’s Facebook page.

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