During the recent Scottsboro City Council joint meeting and work session the public hearing to amend the zoning ordinance at RaceTrac was rescheduled to the January 13, 2025 City Council meeting.
The city council voted to approve a resolution to approve the application for authority to incorporate a public corporation as a capital improvement cooperative district. This resolution is the first step for the cooperative district that was agreed to in the Hobby Lobby agreement previously approved by the council.
City council members approved a $7,500 budget amendment for the traffic signal maintenance and intersection assessment. This amendment covers 13 intersections throughout the City of Scottsboro. The funds for this budget amendment will be paid from excess sales tax.
City council members approved the job description change for Parks and Recreation Director position. The change was to add the wording “preferred” to the “possession of Master’s Degree” under the minimum qualifications.
During the city council’s work session, the job description for the Grounds/General Maintenance for the Downtown Square/City Hall area was discussed. The city council discussed adding this position during budget meetings, and this was the first draft job description for the position.
City council members discussed a resolution to surplus street department property, with the list of items being requested to be surplused and sold on govdeals.com.
Council members discussed an invoice from Rice Advisory, LLC. Solid Waste Department Director Stacy Ledwell told the city council that this invoice comes from consultation on some federal grants that the solid waste department has applied for dating back to September 2023. Ledwell also said that the amount billed came in a little cheaper than originally estimated.
The Scottsboro City Council met on Monday, December 16 and will not meet again until January 6, 2025.