During a recent City of Scottsboro work session and meeting, several items were approved.
A public hearing regarding Noon Real Estate, LLC 772 Project Development Agreement was held with no parties present who were against the agreement. Following the conclusion of the public hearing, the rules were set aside and the ordinance to authorize the 772 project development agreement with Noon Real Estate, LLC was approved.
Resolution 2024-11-36, appointing two members to the Board of Directors of the Scottsboro Highway 72 Cooperative District was approved, following the nomination of Richard “Pudge” Bailey and Donna Frederick.
A request to proceed with the rezoning of the RaceTrac property, located near Chick-fil-a died due to lack of motion.
A onetime pay raise for City Employees, allowing them to be paid a “Christmas Bonus’” was approved.
A resolution to award the bid for a one-ton truck for the Scottsboro Municipal Street Department was approved. Monies for this truck were previously approved during the budget hearings.
A Resolution to allow the Mayor to apply for a CDBG grant to assist with cost of a road in front of Hobby Lobby was approved. Hobby Lobby is expected to be built behind Whataburger.
During the work session, a discussion regarding New Generation Foods request for a 772 Agreement was discussed. New Generation Foods, Bojangles and a real estate development firm with numerous projects spoke.
Justin Haddock with Bojangles reported that their property closing is expected to be held in December. Although their are currently no active interests in the remaining vacancies on the property, he said they have ideas for the vacancies including a cell phone store, a sub shop and other non-compete restaurants. Haddock stated they are also currently in discussions with Retail Strategies.
A resolution was discussed to award a financing bid to the low bidder for equipment for Scottsboro Municipal Solid Waste. The low bidder was First Jackson Bank at 3.99817 percent. The resolution will be voted on at the next City Council meeting.
A resolution to apply for the RAISE grant for the Willow Street Corridor Redevelopment Project was discussed. This grant, made up of FEMA funds, would allow underground utilities to be installed, helping the area to become ADA compliant. The resolution will be voted on at the next City Council meeting.
A discussion regarding a budget amendment for the airport in the amount of $1500 per year regarding the AWOS contract was held. Currently, the airport is having a hard time with getting a weather observing system technician to show up when maintenance is needed. This amendment will allow for a technician, recommended by other local airport managers, to be placed on the job. The amendment will be voted on at the next City Council meeting.