SPD and SFD officers recognized for saving local woman’s life

On September 16th, 2024, at the Scottsboro City Council Meeting, Officers Tyler McLemore and Riley McBride, along with Sergeant Kevin Smith, were honored for their heroic actions on July 30th, 2024.
McBride and Smith were honored with the Life-Saving Award for their actions in saving the life of Polly Hutcheson, who was trapped inside her burning residence. McLemore was honored with the Medal of Valor for his bravery in personally entering the burning residence, at great risk to his own life, to rescue Hutcheson.

The Scottsboro Police Department Medal of Valor is awarded for “conspicuous gallantry while acting in the line of duty, and is presented for acts of exceptional bravery performed at very high risk to their own lives with full awareness of the danger involved.”

The following citation reflects the bravery of each officer and their actions on that day.

On July 30, 2024, McLemore, McBride and Smith were dispatched to a home on County Road 17 in response to a structure fire with a caller trapped inside.

McLemore arrived first, followed closely by Smith. Smith retrieved his Halligan tool and quickly joined McLemore, who had located Hutcheson by the sound of her knocking on the wall. The house was fully engulfed in flames and filled with toxic smoke and heat.

McBride arrived on the scene as Smith broke a window to create an exit, carefully removing the glass and shards from the window frame. McLemore then pulled down a curtain to cover the frame. Although they could not initially see Hutcheson, McLemore bravely entered through the window to search for her despite the intense conditions. He had to return to the window several times for fresh air.

At this point, Battalion Chief Junior West arrived on scene with a thermal camera, which he handed to McLemore. Using the camera, McLemore located Hutcheson and dragged her to the window. McBride and Smith assisted in pulling Hutcheson out, after which Smith helped McLemore exit the house.

West retrieved oxygen from his truck, while McBride, McLemore and Smith administered first aid to Hutcheson. On-duty fire personnel arrived shortly afterward and began combating the fire. Hutcheson was given oxygen until Highlands EMS arrived and took over her care.

The teamwork displayed by the on-scene officers was crucial in saving Mrs. Hutcheson’s life. McLemore and McBride suffered from smoke inhalation and received oxygen on scene as well. Officer McLemore’s selfless actions, entering the burning home without regard for his own safety, directly resulted in the rescue of a Scottsboro citizen.

All these officers deserve recognition for their exemplary conduct during this call, as their actions and professionalism exceeded the high standards of the Scottsboro Police Department.

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