City Council Candidate Q&A – Paul White

Each candidate running for public office was asked to answer a set of questions for publication.
Below are answers from candidates running for Scottsboro City Council Place 1.

1. What do you see as the biggest issue facing our city, and how do you intend to solve this problem?
I would say for me it would the fixing up more of the down town area . Try to find ways to fill vacant buildings with small retail, and services by working with property owners or possible Tenants. That would be more revenue into the city, and look more pleasing for tourist.

2. What are your plans to address eel grass in non-residential areas throughout the city’s public access points and waterways?
I would say as to the eelgrass I would have to discuss it with other department managers on how to control it. I realize that it must be maintained or somewhat controlled so the community and tourist could enjoy the water. But I think not all areas would be addressed in non residential areas and areas that are not usable But it would all have to be within reason and in the budget

3. What kind of paving plan would you implement if elected?
What I have seen overall the roads within the city are not horrible. Yes there should be in the budget and some done every year if not all the roads would be in disrepair and may not have the funds to fix them. We would have to repair and fix troubled roads first, before starting any new projects, and make sure we have the budget for it.

4. How would you ensure that the city junk ordinance is enforced, as many citizens report not knowing who is responsible for enforcing it or who to contact with a complaint?
As far as I can see don’t think the city is enforcing it as well as they could. I’m not saying going out purposely finding residents not abiding by the ordinance in place. There is a compliance officer at the city police department. There could be a notice on the city police website or even set-up a complaint line that was just recorded, any way citizens can access a way to make a complaint.

5. Currently, girls’ softball is played on outdated fields in poor condition with facilities that are not ADA compliant. What will you do to make their facility comparable to the boys’ facility, Veterans Field? Do you support modernizing the city’s facilities to compete with surrounding cities to host girls’ softball tournaments?
There should be no need the girls not having the same standards as the boys facilities. And yes funds should be put to use for tournaments. More activities we can provide and motivate the young people. It would build our city community strength up.

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