Mayoral Candidate Q&A – John Moses

Each candidate running for public office was asked a set of questions on for publication.
Below are answers from candidates for Mayor of Scottsboro.

1. What do you see as the biggest issue facing our city, and how do you intend to solve this problem?
We have seen the addition of retail jobs in the last decade but what we have not seen is additional industrial jobs. These jobs bring more families and opportunities to Scottsboro. I will work with Jackson County Economic Development President/CEO Nathan Lee and his staff to bring those jobs to Scottsboro. But it does not stop there. I will meet with North Alabama Industrial Development Association President/CEO Brooks Kracke and Alabama Secretary of Commerce Ellen McNair.

2. What are your plans to address eel grass in non-residential areas throughout the city’s public access points and waterways?
The first step will be to meet with TVA to determine their plans for combating eelgrass. My initial call would be to TVA Board Chairman Joe Ritch who resides in Huntsville and update him on problems with eel grass in Scottsboro. In the past the city has provided funds to combat invasive weeds on Lake Guntersville and I will investigate whether that is still happening and if not why. We must keep access in our public areas such as marinas, boat ramps, ect. Open for recreational use and tourism.

3. What kind of paving plan would you implement if elected?
My first priority would be to survey the roads of Scottsboro and list them in terms of need. Unfortunately, paving costs upwards of $400,000 per mile. I will make every effort to include as much money as possible in the paving budget. A program should be developed to repair and fix roads before they get to the point of re-paving. Also, I would work with the Alabama Department of Transportation Director John Cooper to discuss grants or other funding available for paving the roads of Scottsboro.

4. How would you ensure that the city junk ordinance is enforced, as many citizens report not knowing who is responsible for enforcing it or who to contact with a complaint?
The Scottsboro police department has an Ordinance/Code Officer. His job is enforcing the city’s ordinance concerning junk, dilapidated buildings, unsightly yards and other ordinances. You can contact him through the police department at 256-574-4468.

5. Currently, girls’ softball is played on outdated fields in poor condition with facilities that are not ADA compliant. What will you do to make their facility comparable to the boys’ facility, Veterans Field? Do you support modernizing the city’s facilities to compete with surrounding cities to host girls’ softball tournaments?
About 10 years ago the city remodeled/updated Veterans field. It is now time for Bynum fields to be updated or reconstructed. It is not a question of if we should update/reconstruct but to what extent. This upgrade should include all fields, concession, stands, rest rooms, and scoreboard buildings, all of which will be ADA compliant. This is an opportunity to showcase this complex to not only compare to Veterans Field but pass it in modernization. With this upgrade the City Department of Parks and Recreations can recruit not only girls softball tournaments but any type of tournament.


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