City Council hears requests

During the recent Scottsboro City Council meeting, several employees were recognized for their years of service and promotions.
(See photos below.)
A public hearing was held regarding the rezoning request for Agape Baptist Church. Several members of the community showed up to support the request. No community members were against the rezoning request. The item will be voted on June 25.

A request regarding building inspectors was heard from John Moses. Moses stated that in the past, the building inspectors and fire inspectors have always been on the same pay scale. Moses said that when the new fire inspector was hired, he was raised up one range. Moses requested that a budget amendment be made to raise the three building inspectors up one range so that the pay would remain the same as the fire inspector.

A request to solicit bids for a skid steer was heard from the Scottsboro Street Department. Council member Mike Ashburn stated this item had been mentioned during the previous budget meetings, but that it was decided to re-look at the item later in the year to determine if excess sales tax would allow for the expense.

Mayor Jim McCamy spoke regarding the Dennis Quaid show. McCamy stated this is an opportunity for Scottsboro to receive national exposure in the form of short documentaries, aired on public television. McCamy said that this would bring national exposure to several major networks throughout the United States.

City Clerk Whitney Phillips spoke regarding the Goose Pond Civic Center’s roof repair. Phillips stated that the roof has several leaks in it. After speaking with the original installers it appear that the roof can be repaired at a maximum cost of $7,500. Phillips requested a budget amendment allowing for the repair be approved.

McCamy requested that an agreement for environmental studies be approved regarding airport property acquisitions. The cost, $22,850 is reimbursable by the FAA and State of Alabama and will cover environmental studies for the acquisition.

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