To be like Jesus
by Terry Broome
I can’t help but think of what a wonderful world this would be if more people were to determine “To Be Like Jesus.” We can’t force this upon people, but we can determine for ourselves that we’ll strive to be like Him more and more each day.
To be like Jesus
by Terry Broome
I can’t help but think of what a wonderful world this would be if more people were to determine “To Be Like Jesus.”
Role Models For Our Children
by Terry Broome
It’s tough being a young person today where every sector of life appears to by vying for your loyalty. The world is fully dedicated to affecting the choices of our youth – so many temptations; such early exposure to very graphic parts of life!
As a parent it’s more than a little frightening to see the parade of influences by individuals who would like to become your child’s role model — their heroes. It makes our job all the more urgent and difficult as we attempt to be role models ourselves and model “Good Behavior” before them.
A word about mothers for Mother’s Day
by Terry Broome
Ralph Waldo Emerson has said, “Men are what their mothers make them.” An old Spanish proverb says, “An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.” This weekend, as we honor mothers, it’s good for us to think about how much they really do.
In Whom Do You Trust?
by Terry Broome
There is a common need within all of us for someone upon whom we can depend, a constancy that will always be there for us and will never let us down. This world doesn’t supply that remedy, however. As hard as we might try, none of us quite measure up to that big of a task.