Our life in Christ
The church is a marvelous and Divine organism by virtue of her Divine origin (Matt. 16:18). According to Eph. 2:1-5, she’s made up of all those who are alive in Christ and is thus a living organism. As such she has the capability to grow and to be renewed.
Muddy time of year
As we progress through the next 30 to 45 days, the one thing that will be obvious is that we will see bunches of rain and wind mudding up the water in most of the southern lakes. there is probably no water condition that is tougher to fish in the winter than the muddy water.
After a traumatic life event
How do you heal from traumatic life events? You start to wonder if it’s even possible or where to start. You wonder if you’ll ever be happy again. Most people are not strangers to trauma. Whether it is the death of a child, escaping a house fire, being sexually assaulted, having the one you love the most abuse you, or something else, many people have experienced trauma. After a trauma, we think it’s impossible that our life will ever be the same.
Behold the man -1
Pilate hardly knew what to do with Jesus, and quite seriously neither do the majority of people today. “Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!” (John 19:5).
Cover, structure and depth
by Mike Gerry
There are three keys that stand out in order to establish a pattern, cover structure and depth; when you zone in on these keys, you can put together a pattern. Sounds simple, but it isn’t, as making sense of the keys is different than talking about them. Fighting your instincts to do something different outside of what the keys are telling you is not easy, so you must find a way to balance the old patterns that talk to you versus the keys that give you reality.