The Sinless Life of Our Savior
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
“There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains,” (William Cowper, 1772). These are precious words for the Christian.
Transitional Fishing for Spawn to Post Spawn Locations
by Mike Gerry
As the bass relocate after the spawn, we get into a period known as transition fishing. Transition fishing means that the bass are relocating from the shallow banks to the deeper water.
When this happens, locating fish on the move becomes difficult and forces you to find a different depth and location, just about every day.
After Abuse
by Teresia Smith
Sexual abuse, especially early in life, makes trusting others very difficult. If you were abused at a young age, relationships have not ever felt safe or reliable. You may have believed there was no one you could count on. And whoever abused you certainly betrayed you. You may have sensed that something wasn’t right, but you wondered if it was your fault. Maybe you were forced to keep it a secret. Possibly you did tell someone, but perhaps they didn’t believe you, or blamed you, or told you not to tell.
Sin is Lawlessness
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
They ate a piece of fruit from a tree that they were commanded not to eat from. It’s not like they killed someone. They didn’t tell a lie, cheat on each other, or steal money. They ate a piece of fruit. And yet, their one moment of disobedience led to corruption of the whole world and all of humanity.
Best Spring Fishing Techniques
by Mike Gerry
There is no doubt that spring is an exciting time of year for bass fishing.