Thoughts from The Bible – 03/25/20

Be not afraid
by Terry Broome

A little boy came to his father, looking much in earnest and asked: “Is Satan bigger than I am?”

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Fishing tip of the week – 03/18/20

A Classic report
by Captain Mike Gerry

With the Bass Master Classic now in our rear-view mirror, I thought I would give my view as to where Guntersville Lake is in respect to its fish ability and health.

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Thoughts from The Bible: – 03/18/20

“Jesus is the answer to our troubled world!”
by Terry Broome

Hardly a day passes without the gloom and doom headlines and television reports of killing, and stealing, and crime everywhere – man’s inhumanity to man – the “apparent” hopelessness of our human race! Poverty and war threaten the dreams and hopes of countless millions. We are very much aware of the horrible conditions in many parts of the world which cause so many people to be pessimistic about their futures. More than pessimistic, it appears to be more a sense of hopelessness. One author wrote that “Today, even the survival of humanity is a utopian hope.”

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Fishing tip of the week – 03/11/20

by Mike Gerry

Fishing’s visual line

Fishing’sWintertime, on many lakes, can take many different forms in respect to water clarity.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever – 03/11/20

by Teresia Smith

Finding Joy Again
For people that have suffered trauma, the brain sometimes goes into a type of survival mode, to protect oneself to feel safe.

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