Woman and a Fork – (2 Cor. 4:13-18)
by Terry Broome
[I recently read a story which is deserving of being passed along to our readers. I wish I could remember who might have first recorded the account, but it still needs to be shared with others with no claim from this writer of originality on my part.]
Fall Baits
by Mike Gerry
When the fall bite is on, finding fish is the key to the great activity and success that we are having during the fall time of year.
I don’t have to remain a victim
by Teresia Smith
Bad things happen in life that we just don’t understand.
Follow Thou Me
by Terry Broome
Children are so precious, and so open about their feelings.
Useful Fall Tips
by Captain Mike Gerry
With August on its way out the signs of fall are upon us, yes, we still have much hot weather left to go but the change toward fall is coming.