Thoughts from The Bible

of character
by Terry Broome

Andrew Card, former chief of staff to Pres. George W. Bush was interviewed on Bill O’Reilly’s show on 7-12-08 at the time of the death of former Press Secretary, Tony Snow. Mr. Card gave a most fitting description of the life of Tony Snow, and in doing so he used words that are most descriptive of characteristics of people with “Character.” Speaking of Snow, he said “…he was nice when he didn’t have to be… He did good when no one was looking.”

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Fishing tip of the week

Mud lines
by Mike Gerry

If I have learned anything about North Alabama in the winter, I have learned that, in the winter, we get a lot of rain and the run-off causes the lake to get muddy. Also, the water over-runs many docks and puts the TVA in a position where they spill, most of the winter, from one dam to another creating mud lines all over the lake!

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Love shouldn’t hurt -ever

Are You an Emotional Stuffer?
by Teresia Smith

Emotions are a part of being human, but learning how to effectively handle strong feelings is challenging. How many times have you received the following poor advice when you are hurting? “Don’t cry over it.” “Don’t let them get to you.” “Just get over it and move on.”

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Thoughts from The Bible

Jesus Is the Son of God Part: Two (Matt 27:50-54)
by Terry Broome

In our last writing we began with the assertion that Jesus is the Son of God.

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Fishing tip of the week

Carolina rig and the spring
by Mike Gerry

As we move into this transition time every year, where the bass are staging a lot prior to the spawn, it seems difficult to get a consistent bite. This is the time the Carolina rig comes into play.

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