The eternality of God
One of the most central qualities of God is His eternality. That is, God exists without beginning or end. The fact that God was, is, and is to come is so significant that the whole of Scripture begins with: “In the beginning, God…” (Genesis 1:1).
It’s spinnerbait time
There’s probably no bait in my tackle box that offers such a wide variety of ways to fish than a spinnerbait. It’s a mainstay in my box of tricks that has survived the test of time and proven it can and is a well-rounded presentation.
God is…
God is … what you would say next is obviously of great importance because it would certainly ascribe some characteristic or trait to God. Or you might simply use a word that communicates your belief or disbelief in the reality of God.
Closing out Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Each year in April we declare the month as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). SAAM is about both awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse. It is important to include both awareness and prevention because it’s impossible to prevent something no one knows about, and it’s difficult to make people aware of a problem without providing some pathway for a solution.
Fishing has changed
It’s no secret that bass fishing on just about every lake in the country has changed drastically over the last five years. It’s certainly not easy anymore, as you are forced to be much more versatile, and your investment in becoming a good angler is nearly out of sight from a cost standpoint.