Fishing tip of the week

Schooling Fish
by Mike Gerry

If you have never experienced a school of bass chasing and attacking bait fish in the fall, then you have missed a lot of fun.

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Minimizing Abuse
by Teresia Smith

“There is no justification for abuse by a partner, but it’s also hard to admit you’re a victim” (Amanda Kippert). Many intimate partner abuse survivors have a hard time accepting that their partner’s behaviors are abusive. There is a part of them that wants to excuse behaviors and even blame themselves. Until you are out of the relationship and can look back with clarity, you may not truly understand the abuse you experienced.

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Fishing tip of the week

Boat Houses in the Fall
By Mike Gerry

Nothing tops boat house fishing in the fall of the year.

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Let Go and Move Forward
by Teresia Smith

Recently I read a blog by Angel Chernoff where she shared this thought:

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Thoughts from The Bible

The Church of God
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

When conversations start over how the church is doing in our day, there are those who like to romanticize the early church. They would like to return to “how it was” and appeal to the record found in Acts 2:42-47 when the church was devoted to the Word of God and each other – to the Table and to prayer. Not to mention that they were selfless toward one another and willingly shared anything they possessed. Sounds wonderful, I will certainly admit, but where there are people, problems soon follow.

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