Emotional Abuse
by Teresia Smith
When you’re in an abusive situation, it’s easy to miss the subtle early signs that can eventually build up to a steady stream of abusive behavior.
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
by Teresia Smith
February is thought of as the month of love. Midway through the month, we celebrate Valentine’s Day. The holiday of hearts, flowers, candy, and special dates with your significant other where you display your love for the world to see. However, for many, the person they may celebrate Valentine’s Day with is also the person who is hurting them. February is designated as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
Choose You
By Teresia Smith
Remember a few years ago when Frozen was the most popular kids movie and every little girl knew all the words to the song “Let it Go” and you could hear them singing it everywhere over and over? Have you ever actually read the lyrics and wondered what was being let go?
How To Deal with Manipulative People
by Rebecca Hieronymi
Relationships exist on a spectrum and it can sometimes be hard to tell when a behavior goes from healthy to unhealthy or even abusive. Have you ever had a friend, whom you love dearly, but maybe you’ve realized that they always get what they want, tear down your confidence and always play the victim? When a person acts this way, it might mean they are an emotional manipulator. So, what do you do? Here are some tips on how to spot emotional manipulation and put a stop to it.
by Teresia Smith
Life often brings us many physical scars from injuries, surgeries, or accidents. Sometimes they are even self-inflicted.