Love shouldn’t hurt

An Intentional Masterpiece
by Teresia Smith

Flipping the calendar sometimes brings anxiety. A lot of people feel overwhelmed at the thought of starting a new year and the expectation of making resolutions of change. In reality, a new year is just a time vessel where each day holds potential for new beginnings.

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Healing Through Journaling
by Teresia Smith

I am sure you’ve heard the old saying, “You grow through what you go through”. What exactly do people mean when they say that?

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Silent Support
by Teresia Smith

Imagine a friend has just confided a serious revelation. They disclose to you that they are being abused by their partner. They tell you they just didn’t know who to talk to but trusted you. This can be a critical time and you want to support them in a way that will be helpful. Inside you are screaming “Why don’t you leave,” but your response at this time needs to be one of support.

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Band-aids Aren’t Enough
by Teresia Smith

Often the advice given by well-meaning friends to someone leaving an abusive relationship is things such as “just move on”, or “find someone new and you’ll forget them”. There is no mention of the importance of dealing with the pain and hurt before jumping into a new relationship. I recently heard a podcast about the importance of healing from an abusive relationship and unpacking the baggage before you can be successful in a new relationship. I have paraphrased what they said below:

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Holidays As an Adult Survivor of Childhood Abuse
by Teresia Smith

The Christmas season seems to be starting earlier this year.

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